June 07, 2011


My summers have never been anything exciting. They have always consisted of me doing the same things:
  1. Sitting around doing nothing.
  2. Reading.
  3. Writing.
  4. Going to Mexico.
  5. And, rarely, hanging out with friends.
But this summer I am not going to let that happen. I am going to change that, no matter what. And so far I have changed that. I have been hanging out with my friends a lot more. Reading and writing a lot less, which is not a good thing. And actually going to events. I have even been trying to get a job, but I suck and no one wants to hire me. Well actually people want to hire me until they meet me. There must be something wrong with me. I don't think I am ugly? I always dress nice. I speak as well as I can. I am honest, but I just probably suck. I must suck. I know I probably do. What other reason must there be? Oh, you mean the reason that there are other people trying to get jobs, and most of these people have more experience than I will ever dream of? Do you mean that? Yeah. Maybe. But everyone keeps telling me that. I don't want to believe it. I WANT TO BELIEVE THAT I SUCK. Though I recently got a great opportunity to be a part of this wonderful art group. So I guess I don't completely suck. I am just getting more opportunities when it comes to my writing, and that is a lot more important than getting a retail job. Though I need money. I am sick of borrowing money. I am sick of using my savings account. I am just sick. Literally, at the moment, sick. There is gallons of blood gushing out of me right now. It's quite disgusting. But it's the curse of being a woman. It's a curse that people ignore talking about, but I think everyone should just talk about it. It's not that gross. It's part of life. It's part of existence. Part of the cycle of life. Without it we would not have children, and human life would life would stop. People rarely think about it that way, they just think it's gross. And it's not that gross. You know, it's just a dead baby spilling out of your vagina. Ha. It's kind of gross.

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