July 31, 2009


Today started with a rise. A rise from an unmade bed. Following a quick change of cloths and then a walk to the bathroom. Ran into my mother, said a few words. Went back to my room, ran into my niece, who said many words. Put on make up, took off make up. Ate a cheese filled sandwich, along with a smoothie. Sat while I ate, saw awful Christmas specials. Yes, in summer. Went back to my room, swallowed my boredom on the net. Tried to read, got distracted.  Took pictures of myself, deleted them. Tried to read again, read a few pages. 4 hours or so passed from my last mea, was not so sure. Mother called me to eat, I ate. Endured a Novela about an blind girl with a dead grandmother.  Changed the channel, sex. Changed it again, Pg-13 sex. Ate with my parents, my mother left. Father said "hmm", I screamed "Blah". Very random moment. Finished my salad, dropped dish in sink. Left to my room, sat here. Realized I was full. Wrote this. 

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