August 26, 2009


Am I so tired, busy and stressed.
Right now I am on the calm side.
Due to art projects and movies.

Yet today was on the odd side, when are they not.

It all starts off at 6am, I wake up magically on time ...but I choose to sleep in.
Wake again at 6:40, get dressed and the normal lady stuff.
I make a lunch with no sandwich, due to the lack of bread.
Try to eat something to get me hyper and full.
Wake my dad a bit on the late side.
When in the car I realize I forgot my phone on the kitchen table.
I go the rest of the day without my phone.
I run to the Library, that is EMPTY, to print my homework.
While I wait for it to print, I swoon over the math teacher I wish I had.
After the printing is all complete I go to meet up with my band friends that just got out of 0 period.
Soon later the bell rings.
I head off to English class and watch many presentations; while hiding the anticipation for my own.
When we get up there, we skip around lines but we all work it out.
I thought we did bad, supposedly we did good.
Then to my next classes, all normal and good.
Then in math I get a pass.
A pass to go to the Library from my counselor.
I thought it was something important, you see, something worth going to.
So I go to it.
It was none of that at all.
It was a intro to the Hermanas Program, something I could not do.
Something that made me feel way too Mexican and White Washed.
I stayed to waste time.
Then got to 4th period with ...10 minutes left.
Lunch was fine, so was the rest of my classes.
Then after school, when I expected to go to Journalism... I got lost.
They were not in Poore's then I went to the room where they were supposed to be at.. and saw detention.. so I assumed.
Along with the fact that I was already a bit freaked out, no phone, all alone and lost.
I wimped out, freaked out and just went home.
I was a bit on the sad side because of that.
I was really looking forward for it.
But I talked to some of the people and they said it was fine.

So now to random things, since I have not written in forever.
So, boys, I almost said bots.
Makes sense.
Well freshmen.... are so small.
I feel odd to even find them a bit attractive.
I like a "peedo", that is how british people say it. ><
Stupid young people.
Yet I would date a guy that was 4 years older than me.
I find it a bit hypocritical.
It's different, is it not?
Since woman mature quicker than man.
My morals are confusing me.


I am too complicated, even for myself.

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