September 25, 2009

September 23, 2009

New blog:

September 20, 2009


I always hoped for it this way
as I stayed wishing by the bay
I hoped for a romance
for the love of glance

I always hoped for it this way

I wanted someone like him
to make everything less dim
One that could show me the light
to make me loose all fright

I always hoped for it this way

I wanted someone to scare my fears
Someone I wish I could hear
One voice that brought jumps of joy
Even just a voice that could not annoy

I always hoped for it this way

I wanted someone that made me lost
Love that was lost with no cost
Lost with no fear of breaking down
Someone that always lost my frown

I always hoped for it this way

But this is all just a dream
My imagination in a stream
He will only be one stare
One that was always too fair

I always hoped for it this way
as I stayed wishing by the bay

Always trying to define myself.

hopelessly lost

I am all of these.... all my different moons.

Oh Dear.

You know when you go somewhere and you notice someone.
Someone new and very different to you. Someone with something remarkable. Something that will not leave until another comes along. Oh dear, that has happened to me. Mr.Puppyeyedblonde, that is now his name. I may never know his name, but his stare will forever be known to me.


Saw him once
Noticed little
Saw him twice
Noticed more
Saw him thrice
Now he's stuck
Lost in my mind
His stare, his eyes
Who is he?
I'm not sure
But his stare
is now mine
in my brain
locked forever
Who is he?
that is the question


I never hoped for it this way
as I stayed wishing by the bay
I hoped for a romance
not a fear of glance

I never hoped for it this way

I did not want it with him
I wanted one less dim
One that could show me the light
to make me loose all fright

I never hoped for it this way

I did not want so much fear
I wanted someone I wanted to hear
One voice that brought jumps of joy
Not a voice that brought to much noise

I never hoped for it this way

I wanted someone that made me lost
Love that was lost with no cost
not lost in fear of breaking down
Not someone that only brought a frown

I never hoped for it this way

But what can I do to not break him
I can't tell him the truth too dim
that he will never be the one I want
that he's not the one that I dreamt

I never hoped for it this way
as I stayed wishing by the bay

September 18, 2009


the scream came out from the living room
random threats all in one boom
my mother thinks I hear it
I do, but I ignore it
She always seems to scream
later acting different than it seems
showing me too much love
like it all came from up above
Then it goes back to shouts
about me not cleaning and other bouts
Sometimes I can't stand them
but then she returns to a happy hem
I love her all of these ways
not matter what I say
she is my only mother
always better than my father

Too Fairy Tale

Even if the Sun may burn me
in this light you look so keenly
My insecurities burn a hole
hiding just like a mole
but you seem to help me out
with that smile loosing doubt
my heart is flying way too high
but I never stop to wonder why
something about us is too fairy tale
but you won't find me looking for bail
when our time comes to an end
I will wait for dreams to descend

Bright Star

Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art--
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors--
No--yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever--or else swoon to death.

John Keats

I must watch the movie!!!!!

September 17, 2009


"If you're wondering if I want you too..."
I love Weezer!
They make me so happy.
It's easy for me to be happy but also so eay for me to pretend I am happy.
For I am the most awkward person on Earth.
Even if you really can't see it.
I am too insecure.
I hide way too much.
Instead of writing here I have been writing in my journals.
I filled one up. WOOT!
Started a new one, that will one day be full too.
I have been freaking out easily.
A single scream may drive me crazy.
School, is all good.
But making me feel stupid.
Being in a smart class makes my GPA feel lonely and embarrassed.
Really, it wants to hide for all those overachievers.
Sure, they may look all nice, but what do they really think of me.
I am doing good in the class.
I have a B aka an A.
I am trying not to find younger boys cute.
I fail at that.
I am stage manager.
I am not sure if I am doing good, but I am sure trying.
I hate that I feel envy.
Yes, I am envious.
My anxieties are overwhelming me.
Fear of my future.
Fear of failing.
Fear of loosing people.
Fear of feeling stupid.
Fear of feeling pointless.
Should I make the list go on?
No, it's too depressing.
I know it is.
It makes me crazy.
I am a looooon.
The arts save me.
I love art.
I love movies.
I love inspiring, cool, nice, shy, short, tall, people.
But I will always feel awkward around the new ones.
Or even my friends.
I am forever out of place.
Forever the puzzle piece that does not fit in.
That is I.
I have always been that little piece.
I am usually good at hiding it.
What is happening to me?
All my fears attacking me at once.
Why now?
Why oh why, do I hide it all?
I don't want people to worry, yet I want them to care.
I want to be loved.
Omg, what up with the angst.
I thought I lost all of that in 9th grade.
I guess, it will follow me forever.
Even if I have it better than some.
I know it's true.
It makes me keep trying.
Along with a lot of things.
For I am an optimistic, missed with some realistic views.
But I have my pessimistic moments.
Horrid moments that overrun me for weeks, days or just hours.
See my mind is wild.
It never stops.
It's always doing something.
Until the day I die.
I hope that will take it's time to come.
Really, I need to live.
I need to see my greatest day, moment, friend, love and thought.
I will.
I will.

September 10, 2009

I write.

Pain pain poam ooow
I am not going to care how my grammar looks.
Oh dear I won't since I AM NERVOUS AND IN PAIN.
I hate PMS and waiting for Cast Lists.
And I did not get a part.
Am I fine with this? Yes
Am I hurt by this? Yes
Will anyone see it? Hopefully no
Well I am going to be Stage Manager!

September 06, 2009

My End

the year has come
the last of the four
now I am grown
matured in many ways
yet still immature in many more
still lost in procrastination
still lost in her stupidity
hiding from her own intelligence
since when that day comes
when I find that last drop
I will be gone
just a flower on the earth
creating other flowers
as the animals steal my nectar
passing trough the high sky
I just wonder "My Oh My"
my end became many
many new things soon to end
but first they create more
feeding others
humans, animals, plants and bugs
everything seems so snug
yet I watch in all the glory
seeing the Earth be true beauty
being only a stop
in the Circle of Life
so my end, becomes the begining

That is what I say

with those songs from up above
lost in all that stupid love
can I give a stupid chance
could I even give a true glance
since I am I
lost as a fly
never saw a ugly sky
to lost in "What if"
to stubborn to even frock
maybe just listen to a rock
since my eyes are drooping
my heart is melting
among those that are too lost
dancing to the lovely tunes
I am too still
too smart to dance
yes, that is what I say
but what want
oh so much want
wanting to dance
with those that prance
that fairylike dance
should I really give it a chance
this is why I stand
they are lost in the song
I lost in the thought
too smart to dance
yes, that is what I say

My Turn

This is a night
where nothing is right
thinking of those that have gone wrong
all those I still walk among

hoping on the future
to never see murder
to walk with the few
that see it all new

my fear is going
never showing
dreams colliding
some are dyeing

I might just hide
Lost in this bind
confused about things religious
all too presumptuous

still glued to the fear
of always being the dear
lost in front of the headlights
lost behind all those frights

it has to be a new start
stop being afraid of the sharks
for it is my time to jump
even if the fall lands me a bump

it is time for me to show the truth
to get out of all this goo
that has hidden me from you
time for one to become two

the one that hides
the one that will shine
for I am many
see it all perfectly

Hiding it from the Moon
the mother too all that swoon
who gives us love
from up above

Hiding it from the Sun
the father to all the fun
keeping a smile upon the face
that always has a special place

now it's my turn to swoon
to finally see the Moon
to stop hiding
and to stop running

now it's my turn for some fun
to bum around in the open Sun
to finally give this face
some kind of special place

It is my turn
no need to fear
no need to worry
to hide, to run
It is my turn
my turn, my turn.